UNH Emergency Alert Frequently Asked Questions
All UNH-affiliated persons are automatically opted-in to receive notifications. These will be sent to the primary email address for the campus to which that user account has been linked. This is in the interest of public safety for all community members.
UNH Alert is used to notify users of significant events that may cause an immediate or on-going threat to the health and/or safety of our campus communities: Durham, Manchester, Concord (Law School), Granite State College and the USNH office. The system is designed to notify a large population quickly of hostile events, severe weather, or hazardous situations. We may also use the emergency alert system to announce Curtailed Operations, serious traffic delays or other public safety concerns.
Yes! Go to alert.noujcf.com and create an account – see the instructions under “How do I sign up for UNH Alert?”
You do not need to be affiliated with UNH to sign up for alerts. Go to alert.noujcf.com and click “Register”. Once you have added your contact methods, be sure to click “Opt-In Lists” and choose which alerts will be relevant to you. Without choosing a list, you will not receive any alerts.
Log into UNH Alerts at alert.noujcf.com. You may add or remove contact methods to include additional email addresses and/or phone numbers to receive text alerts. Be sure to update your cell phone provider if it has changed from your initial enrollment. Click on the “Opt-In Lists” tab and then check or un-check the boxes based on which alert categories you would like to receive.
Once you have enrolled in UNH Alerts, you will need to opt-in to at least 1 list in order to receive alerts. Log into UNH Alerts at alert.noujcf.com using the credentials you have created, remember, this system does not use your UNH credentials. Once logged in, there is a tab labelled “Opt-In Lists”, click this option. Choose from the list the campuses and/or alerts that are relevant to you and click “subscribe”.
If you have subscribed to a list and are still not getting alerts, check to be sure that your delivery methods are correct. Both text and email options can be tested by clicking the yellow “Test” button. Be sure that you have chosen the correct cell phone provider for your text device. If you do not see your specific provider in the list of options, talk with your cell service provider to see if they use another service to send out text messages. (For example: Google Fi uses T-Mobile, choose T-Mobile from the list of options. Be sure click “test” to make sure the text alert will come through)
If these options do not correct the problem, contact your cell phone service provider to be sure that they have not “black-listed” RAVE notifications. RAVE is the platform from which the emergency alerts are sent. On rare occasions companies have incorrectly flagged these notifications as SPAM, or unsolicited messages.
Finally, support is available via email at UNH.Alertinfo@noujcf.com or by phone at the UNH IT Service Desk at 603-862-2525.
All campus-affiliated persons are opted in to the Alerts system automatically, and these accounts cannot be removed. To stop receiving alert messages, log into UNH Alerts at alert.noujcf.com. Click on the “Opt-In Lists” tab and then un-check the boxes for all alert categories. If you wish to receive alerts in the future you can log in and re-select any of the available alert categories.
Non-University community members have the option to remove their accounts. Log into UNH Alerts at alert.noujcf.com. In the “My Account” tab, in the section with your name and username, click the “edit” button. On the right-hand side of the screen click the “Delete Account” button.
You can also temporarily stop text alerts by replying “Stop” to an alert you have received.
Go to alert.noujcf.com and log into the UNH Alert system. Click on the “Opt-In lists” tab. If there is a check mark in the “subscribe” box next to an alert that you do not want to receive, click the check mark and the box should then be empty.
All UNH-affiliated persons are automatically opted-in to receive notifications from UNH Alerts. All UNH email accounts will receive notifications sent to the campus to which that email account has been linked. This is in the interest of public safety for all community members.
At this time, UNH has opted not to use the telephone feature in the alert system. You are welcome to include a telephone number where you would like to receive alert notifications, but at this time, only email and text messages will be sent via UNH Alerts.